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In time of pandemic this year the annual Triduum (September 18th – 20th) of the Holy Family Institute has been held at St. Pauls Monastery in Canfield OH. The coronavirus has influenced also the structure of the retreat; fr. Matthew Roehrig, the retreat director has chosen a reduced number of participants in attendance, social distances, use of masks and an improvement in the use of modern technologies. All the conferences and other important moments of the retreat has been streamed live over ZOOM and recorded to be uploaded on the website www.hfiusa.org.

The theme of the retreat this year was: Complete My Joy, inspired by the Apostolic Exortation to the Husbands and Wives, Mothers and Fathers of the Diocese of Phoenix AZ (2018).

From this exhortation comes the first important concept, for a holy family love is not an option. The family become what you are, hence the importance of personal responsibility and testimony.

Many of the themes touched on during the three days: Love for the children, the importance of the structure of the family, how the family life can be strengthened, what are the challenges of the family and how to respond to them, theology of the body and others.

Particularly touching was the moment in which four couples present at the retreat, did the renewal of marriage wows.

During the celebration of Mass on the third and last day of the retreat, there was the joy of attending the perpetual profession of Mrs. Fely Puray.

Many religious aids were available to the participants. The St Paul Biblical Center of the USA also organized a small exhibition of Bibles in various languages, including the first English Bible printed by Fr. Alberione in Alba in 1931, for the newly formed USA Province.

Dove Siamo