Gio, Set

On 31 May, 2019, in the community of Guwahati, four Novices of the Society of St Paul, India - Chakkananickal Thomas, Kunkal Albert, Paga Nikhil Christu Raj, Tete Atish – professed their firm will to follow Christ the Master more closely for the rest of their lives. The solemn Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr Varghese Gnalian, Provincial Superior. Fr Varghese challenged the newly professed to be relevant to the time and place they would be called to live their commitment to follow Christ, their Master.

Present on the occasion was also Fr Aneesh Peediyekal, Director of formation, members of the community, members from the community of Jorhat, Members of the Pauline Family, and Priests, Religious and well-wishers.

Dove Siamo