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The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Bishop Percival Fernandes.  Among the concelebrants were: the Provincial Superior Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Formation Director Fr Johnson Vattakunnel, and a number of priests from the community and nearby religious houses. The presence of the family members of Aneesh and Sajith added much joy and warmth to the celebration. Along with the community members, the juniors of the province and sisters from the Pauline family too were present for the celebration.

After the Eucharistic celebration a short video was presented which introduced the newly perpetually professed. This was followed by the launch by Bishop Percy of the latest book of Sajith Cyriac: Never Give Up.  Also during the event the yearly journal of the juniors of India-Nigeria Province, Ankur, was released. The juniors then expressed their sentiments of gratitude to their formator Fr Johnson Vattakunnel. The celebration ended with a fellowship meal.

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