Jue, Sep

A group of young Paulines (10 novices, 10 juniors, 5 perpetuals) spent a week long pilgrimage rediscovering our Pauline roots and rich heritage as they traced the steps in the life of our founder, Blessed James Alberione.

“From the world to Rome to Alba”, these young Paulines were “welcomed home” by their pilgrimage guide Don Guido Colombo right in front of the Temple of Saint Paul in the Mother House in Alba.

In their week long stay, the group was housed in the Seminary of Alba where they rested at night. In the morning, they began with the eucharistic celebration held in the Magnificent temple of Saint Paul. The rest of the day, they continued their pilgrimage praying and celebrating masses in churches, chapels and communities significant to our history and the life of our founder. In the evening, they joined the members of the Alba community for the eucharistic visit and afterwards took their supper in one of the refectories of the Casa Madre.

Among the places they visited was the editorial apostolate center where the historic Gazetta D’Alba and Vita Pastorale are still printed to this day.

The group also visited the birth places of our Pauline saints in Narzole (Giaccardo) Benevello (Vigolungo) & Mango (Borello).

One of the most memorable places in this pilgrimage is the visit to the cradle, the crib, the house in San Lorenzo di Fossano where Don Alberione was born. To cap the visit in this historic place, Don Venanzio Floriano gave the traditional Pauline blessing.

Visiting these significant places for our charismatic history allowed our young Paulines to deepen their knowledge of our roots and appreciate our rich heritage. In addition, it also gave them the chance to encounter several collaborators , friends and members of our institutes especially that of the Holy Family who continue to live with passion our Pauline spirit.

On their last day of pilgrimage, the group also visited and prayed for our departed members of the Pauline Family in the Cemetery of Alba. Our young Paulines concluded their day with a brief Visit in the church of the Divine Master and the Eucharistic visit at the Temple of St. Paul.

It is our prayer that all our young Paulines continue to strain forward in the footsteps of our Primo Maestro Blessed James Alberione carrying the flame of the Gospel in their hearts passionate to live and give Jesus Master to all through our Pauline way of life.