Vie, Sep

14 May 2022 marked a milestone for the community of Bangalore in India-Great Britain-Ireland Province. The day witnessed the blessing and inauguration of our new house which was one of the priorities of the last Provincial Chapter. By the Divine providence and the timely initiative of the Provincial government, the dream came true!

The new house was inaugurated by Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Provincial superior. Most Rev Dr Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, blessed the building in the presence of Bishop George Dodo (of Zaria Diocese, Nigeria), Fr Sajith Cyriac, Superior and a large number of priests, sisters, well-wishers and friends. The presence of many fellow Paulines from SSP, DSP and PDDM added to our joy.

The new house is going to be a major formation house in the province. It is also the residence of members who engage in various apostolic activities in the campus. The building has various faculties for different programmes and meetings. One of the main attractions of the building is the chapel. “The chapel looks beautiful with the fine and traditional interiors and creates a conducive atmosphere for prayer and liturgy,” remarked the archbishop in his homily.

A short felicitation programme was held after the Mass to honour the special invitees and the team behind the construction. The short visit of local MLA Sri Manjunath was quite significant on the occasion. A sumptuous meal was served to all the guests.

Congratulations to the Provincial government, the local community of Bangalore and all those who contributed their share in realizing this project!