Mer, Sep


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

Centenary USAOver 200 people gathered at Our Lady of Pity Parish in Staten Island, New York, USA, on Sunday, June 29th, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Society of St. Paul.

Rev. Matthew Roehrig, SSP, US Provincial Superior, presided at the mass that included the branches of the Pauline Family as well as priests, religious and friends of the various congregations and institutes. The Mass was followed by a reception in the parish hall.

In his homily, Fr. Roehrig emphasized the need for the Pauline Family to unite together to share the Gospel message. He challenged the Society of St Paul, Daughters of St Paul and Sister Disciples of the Divine Master to come to know the members of the Pauline Institutes. In turn those in the Pauline Institutes are to make themselves known to the rest of the Pauline Family.

He also reflected on the Centenary Prayer to the Trinity for Our Hundred-Year Service to the Church. This included remembering the Pauline Saints and those who help found the congregations here in the United States. He concluded with praying for a new Pentecost and new graces to guide us for the next 100 years.

The mass included Prayers of the Faithful read in various languages, representing the multi-culture mix of the Society of St. Paul in the United States. There was also a commissioning ceremony for the two members who will be sent forth to the new community in Chicago.

After the mass there was a time for fellowship for all those who gathered for this celebration.
