Jue, Sep

USAAs part of our Triennial Animation Journey to our 100th anniversary of the foundation of our congregation the Pauline Family in the United States held a one-day retreat at the Society of St. Paul on Staten Island on Sunday, March 11th. There were about 80-100 participants in this retreat representing the Cooperators and Benefactors, various groups such as the Hibernians, the Knights of Columbus and friends. The Pauline Institutes represented in the U.S. and Canada, (the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul, Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, Institute of our Lady of the Annunciation, the Holy Family Institute and the Association of Pauline Cooperators) led the conferences and prayer, including a panel discussion with questions and answers concerning the Pauline Family.

Midway through the day there was a Holy Hour and the day concluded with the celebration of the Mass. It was not only a day of prayerful retreat but a time to impart knowledge of our Pauline Family, its spirituality, apostolate and charism as we head towards our 100th anniversary of foundation.