Lun, Giu


After conducting the affairs of the Chapter, the capitulars were encouraged to reflect upon the documents given by the General Government for possible motions that could be presented in the General Chapter. The purpose of the motions is threefold: 1) Allow the participants of the 9th General Chapter and the emerging General Government understand the peculiar situation of the Province in its present socio-cultural-religious scenario; 2) Underline the problems and challenges faced in reading and “interpreting the signs of the times” and in the process of “rekindling the Charism received in creative fidelity to the Founder”; and,  3)  find suitable solutions so that the Pauline mission becomes relevant and acceptable to the vast majority of people and challenging and fulfilling to members.

At the concluding Eucharist celebrated by Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior declared the 14th Provincial Chapter India-Nigeria closed.

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Agenda Paolina

17 Giugno 2024

Feria (verde)
S. Ranieri di Pisa
1Re 21,1b-16; Sal 5; Mt 5,38-42

17 Giugno 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

17 Giugno 2024SSP: D. Carlo Bagatta (2006) - D. Swamy Anthony (2023) • FSP: Sr. Corradina Mariotti (1995) - Sr. M. Esdra Bianchi (1999) - Sr. Anna Maria De Simone (2009) • PD: Sr. M. Andreina Messa (1988) • ISF: Hugo Carlos Barradas (2006) - Gaetano Butera (2007) - Josefina Teresa Martínez (2021) - Giovanna Mazzarelli Chimienti (2021).

Pensiero del Fondatore

17 Giugno 2024

Quando c’è buona volontà si ama la povertà; quando c’è buona volontà si è delicati di coscienza, si fa gran conto dei piccoli difetti e gran conto delle piccole virtù. Quando c’è buona volontà si sta più buoni se nessuno osserva che quando si è osservati (APD56, 41).

17 Giugno 2024

Cuando hay buena voluntad, se ama la pobreza; cuando hay buena voluntad, se es delicados de conciencia, se tienen muy en cuenta los pequeños defectos y mucho las pequeñas virtudes. Cuando hay buena voluntad, se es mejores cuando nadie observa que cuando se es observados (APD56, 41).

17 Giugno 2024

When there is good will, poverty is loved; when there is good will, one is delicate of conscience, great account is taken of small defects and great account of small virtues. When there is good will, one feels better if no one observes than when one is being observed (APD56, 41).


  • Seminari

    Alberione convegno
    Seminario sul Carisma Paolino Incontro PVF  
    Seminario Internazionale su San Paolo


  • Programmi per l'Anno

      Centenario LogoCentenario LogoschedeAnno Paolino 100 ordinazione sacerdote Alberione 
  • Varie

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  • Capitoli - Intercapitoli


  • Incontri

    Superiori Maggiori 2011
    Incontro Internazionale VSC