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The Society of St Paul has been running a Book and Media Centre, “JEEVANDHARA BOOK CENTRE”, in the diocese of Vijayawada. The priests and religious, Catholics and Christians of different denominations and people of every walk of life, far and near, flock to this centre as it is the only wholesale Book Shop, in Andhara Pradesh. This south-eastern Indian state is the seventh largest one in India, covering an area of 162970 sq kilometer with a population of 92.5 million.

After having served the diocese for thirty years from the Cathedral campus building, the Society has relocated the activity of JEEVANDHARA BOOK CENTRE to Gunadala, opposite to Gunadala Matha National Shrine. On January 9, the feast day of the Baptism of the Lord on the day the Universal Church begins the Ordinary time of the year, the newly built Book Centre was blessed and inaugurated by Rt Rev. Dr Joseph Raja Rao, the bishop of Vijayawada, in the presence of Rev. Fr Varghese Gnalian, SSP, the Provincial Superior, and a number of Paulines who had come from different communities and a sizeable gathering of priests and religious of the diocese. At the colorful blessing ceremony Bishop praised the Paulines for their pastoral activity. The spectacular display of variety of books and religious articles will be a great feast for the eyes of those who visit the centre. The bishop wished the management and the staff of the Book centre a very fruitful pastoral ministry in his diocese. Ad multos annos!


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