Fri, Sep

In Australia, the 50th anniversary of the death of Blessed James Alberione was marked by the blessing of the newly renovated premises of St Pauls Publications in Strathfield (Sydney), which contain an expanded and modern retail area, and new offices, workstations, and meeting room for the publishing house.

Bishop Terry Brady, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney and a friend of the Pauline Family for many years performed the blessing. He began the ceremony by recalling the history of the property which was originally purchased by the Archdiocese in the 1930s as the residence for Archbishop Sheehan, when he came to Sydney from Ireland as Coadjutor Archbishop. Later it was sold to the Dominican Sisters who established St Lucy’s School for Blind Children, before it was sold to the Society of St Paul in the early 1960s.

Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, attendance at the blessing had to be restricted to members of the Pauline Family, our staff and their family members, and some people who had generously donated their time to setting up the new centre.

To mark the conclusion of the Bible Year of the Pauline Family, Bishop Brady blessed a copy of the Bible, which was then placed in the foyer of the building, to remind all who work in the building, and all who enter, of the centrality of the Word of God in our lives, and of our Pauline mission to ensure that the Word of God reaches everyone, especially those on the fringes of Society.

At the conclusion of the blessing ceremony, there was time for some refreshments and socialising, which was enjoyed by all.

Our Presence