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“The most joyful day of my life is the day of my Priestly Ordination day... because of God’s choicest grace,” rejoiced the newly Ordained Pauline Priest—Fr Ambrose Divyanathan at a felicitation ceremony.

Deacon Ambrose Divyanathan was Ordained a Priest by His Lordship Most Rev. Dr A. Neethinathan, the Bishop of Chingleput, on Saturday, 10th July, 2021, at Catholic Bishop’s House, Thimmavaram, Kancheepuram Road, Chingleput, Tamil Nadu (T.N.), at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Provincial Superior and Fr Dominic Savio D’Silva concelebrated the solemn Eucharist. The participants at the Ordination liturgy included his parents, brothers, sisters and relatives of Fr Ambrose. During the homily Bishop Neethinathan remined the candidate that they are invited to live in accordance with the CALL they received from the Lord...not to be served but to serve others.

On the next day, the Divine Mercy Church, our Parish and the ST PAULS Community of Chennai had organised a Thanksgiving Holy Mass, presided over by the Newly Ordained Priest, on Sunday, 11th July, 2021, at 07:00 a.m. The Thanksgiving Holy Mass was followed by a felicitation ceremony in the Alberione Centre where people expressed their love and affection to the Newly Ordained. Our Community in Chennai also hosted a lunch in honour of the newly ordained priest, together with the Religious and the relatives of Fr Ambrose.

Addressing the special gathering, Fr Ambrose expressed his profound gratitude to God, the Almighty. And also to Provincial Superior, to the Community of Chennai and all Pauline well wishers. May his Pauline Priesthood be born in the Eucharistic Lord, and bear fruit through the apostolate of Social Communication. We wish God’s blessings for Fr Ambrose. May his Pauline Priesthood be born in the Eucharistic Lord, and bear fruit through the apostolate of Social Communication. Kindly note that the Newly Ordained will celebrate his Thanksgiving Mass in his native place on Wednesday, 14th July, 2021, at Precious Blood Church, Sitheripattu, Villupuram District, T.N.

Onde estamos