Qui., Set.

On Tuesday, 25 February, the premises of our community in Bandra were bustling with joyful activities as two Paulines were celebrating the Silver Jubilee of their Priestly Ordination. All of us were delighted to join Fathers Francisco Thazhathel and Johnson Vattakunnel in celebrating God’s gift to them of 25 years of priesthood and to thank God for this precious gift.

The joy was doubled by the presence of Very Rev. Fr Jose Valdir De Castro, our Superior General who was here for an accompanying programme for the renewal of our Province. Thus the Jubilarians were extra lucky to have him with them on this important occasion. Fr Jose Pottayil also was here to share in our joy; he also preached a homily throwing light on his association with the Jubilarians. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, Fr General expressed his happiness in being able to participate in the celebration and wished that the two Jubilarians continue to follow faithfully Jesus the Master, St Paul and Blessed James Alberione and that their silver turns into gold.

The celebration began with a video show on each of the Jubilarians, and a short but quality cultural programme of songs and dances put up by the students of SPICE.

The members of the three branches of the Pauline family in Mumbai actively participated in the celebration. The Sister Disciples tastefully decorated the altar and it backdrop, and the Daughters of St Paul conducted a melodious choir, thus making it a Pauline Family celebration. In addition to the friends and relatives of the Jubilarians, a good number of Priests and Sisters from the neighborhood gathered to rejoice with us.

It was a celebration that made everyone happy and thankful to God. All had this one wish: May the silver turn into gold!

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