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On Sunday, October 6, 2019, in Staten Island, New York, the Society of St. Paul in the USA rejoiced over the 25th Jubilee of Brother Marco Bulgarelli (Italy) and our Brother Javier Lee (South Korea). On this happy occasion, the Holy Sacrifice of Mass was celebrated by Fr. Tony Bautista, SSP Delegate to US Province with Fr. Jeffrey Mickler, SSP, Director of Aggregate Institutes. The Jubilarians proudly renewed their vows which were received by Fr. Tony Bautista and witnessed by all present including the SSP Clergy and Brothers, along Members of the Pauline Family who were present-- the Daughters of St. Paul and Association of Pauline Cooperators, their family and friends and the local community attending worship.  A delightful meal followed.

Brother Marco Bulgarelli is the US Provincial Bursar and Head of ST. PAULS Biblical Center. Since his arrival in New York, Brother Marco has written and published several books including, “Saints of the USA”, “A Saint for Healing”, and the Biblical Meditations Series on “Joy”, “Love, “Friendship” and “Walking Beside You”.  In June 2019, he organized ST PAULS International Bible Days, a series of introductory talks on the Bible in English, Spanish and Tagalog, along with an exhibition of Bibles from around the world in many languages.   Bro. Marco is Society’s liaison with Italian communities in New York and Ohio.

Brother Javier Lee helps in the managing of the ST. PAULS Books and Gifts in Staten Island, NY, as the Society has a large number of Korean-language Bibles. In keeping with the Founder’s mandate to use the fastest and most effective means, Brother Javier uses the computer systems for the best management of the books & gift store.  Brother Javier is the Society’s liaison with the Korean community on Staten Island, New York.

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