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The Pauline Family in Sydney, Australia, came together on Saturday, 25 November, to have a Vigil celebration of the feast of Blessed James Alberione. The principal celebrant of the Mass, which was celebrated in the Chapel of the Society of St Paul, was Fr Vito Fracchiolla, the Vicar General of the Society of St Paul, who is in Australia for a canonical visitation.

In his homily, Fr Vito invited the congregation to reflect on the words spoken by Jesus to Phillip: ‘Have I been with you all this time and you still do not know me?’ These words challenge us as Paulines to consider how well we know Alberione, and how well we reveal and reflect him in our lives.

A celebration followed the Mass, in the form of an Aussie bar-b-que. Summer has now arrived and all present could enjoy the outdoors and the long hours of daylight.

Onde estamos