Thu, Sep


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“He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death-even death on a cross.” (Phil.2:7-8)

In a spirit of self-emptying and love for the Lord, Brs Anil Kumar Pasala and Tijo Antony Poovathummoottil committed themselves definitively in service to the Lord and humanity on 29 June 2017 on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. They were ordained deacons by his Lordship Most Rev John RodriguesAuxiliary bishop of Bombay, during the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at 6 pm in our community Chapel, BandraMumbai

In his homily, John Rodrigues spoke of the challenges of the followers of Christ and especially those who wish to follow him closely and reminded the deacons of the importance and demands of being a deacon and a religious. He summed up the entire meaning of religious and priestly life in three Cs, i.e., Commitment, Communion and Challenge. 

The concelebrated solemn Eucharistic celebration was attended by the General councillors Br Luigi Bofelli and FrJose Pottayil, Fr Devasia Puthiyaparambil, the Vicar Provincial, Fr Thomas MJ, the Director of Formation, FrGregory Rayappan, the Superior and master of the deacons, FrJose Paul, the Superior of the Community of Mumbai, other Pauline priests and brothers, sisters from the Pauline family,and parents, family members, friends and well-wishers of the DeaconsFr Jose Paul welcomed everyone at the outset of the celebration and  Fr Joby Mathew, the MC of the celebration saw to it that everything was done in order and with elegance.

Dn Anil Kumar, on behalf of the deacons, thanked everyone who helped them reach this state of life, and requested for continued prayerful support in their journey of religious life and towards priesthood. The colourful ceremony of diaconate ordination came to conclusion with an agape. 

Thanks to Fr Thomas MJ, the Director of Formation who, with the help of Fr Jose Paul and the members of the Local community, meticulously organised the entire programme. 

We congratulate our Deacons Anil and Tijo and wish them a fruitful diaconate ministry!


Our Presence