Thu, Sep

India-Gran Bretagna-Irlanda

img ProvSup

Superiore Provinciale
Nomina: 24 ottobre 2022
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Comunità e Attività







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India - XVI Provincial Chapter Day 3Tuesday October 28, 2014, the third day of our XVI Provincial Chapter began with the Holy Mass presided over by Fr Devasia Puthiyaparmbil. During his homily, he reminded the participants to have love for one's own vocation. In his homily, he also exhorted the members to imitate Jesus' and Alberione's lives of prayer for effective Pauline formation. He also brought to the attention of the members of the greater responsibility entrusted to us, the present day apostles of Jesus, to evangelise the world with the modern means of communication..

The first session of the day began with a short prayer. After that, one of the Notaries presented the minutes of the previous day. This was followed by an active interaction on Vocation Promotion and Formation. The Chapter then had detailed deliberations on each of the points presented and many suggestions and contributions were made to improve on each of them.

The afternoon session began with the presentation of the present state of our apostolate in the Province by the Director General of Apostolate. The DGA in brief touched upon all the areas of our apostolate and shared with the assembly of the state of affairs of our apostolic activities.




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