Thu, May

Pilgrim 1 CentenaryOn 31 March, 16.00 in the Sottocripta of the Sanctuary-Basilica of the Queen of Apostles, began officially the PF Centenary Pilgrimages of the first Group (31 March - 6 April). The SSP Vicar General Fr Celso Godilano, representing the Centenary Central Commission and the Sub-commission for the PF Centennial Pilgrimages, welcomed and wished the 43 pilgrims a fruitful pilgrimage in the name of the Superiors General of the Pauline Family. The Vicar General, though, emphasized to the pilgrims that the one who was actually welcoming them is the Blessed Founder himself, James Alberione. In fact, before the mortal remains of the Blessed Founder and as a filial homage to him, the pilgrims prayed one after another in groups for his final glorification, in Italian, Portuguese, English and Spanish. At 16.30 the pilgrims proceeded by bus to Ariccia at Casa Divin Maestro where they will take their lodging while in Rome. The pilgrims are grouped as 4 SSP (1 from Brazil, 2 from the Philippines, 1 from Italy); 7 FSP (5 from Korea, 1 from Italy, 1 from Mexico); 8 SJBP (3 from Brazil, 2 from Korea, 1 from Gabon, 2 from Italy) and 24 Pauline Cooperators-FSP from Korea.

In Ariccia, after supper, the official welcome and blessing of the pilgrims took place. Fr. Vittorio Stesuri, Director of the Center of Pauline Spirituality and Coordinator of the Sub-commission for the PF Centennial Pilgrimages, happily welcomed the pilgrims and spoke at the same time of the charismatic importance and significance of the Casa Divin Maestro for the entire Pauline Family as willed by Primo Maestro to offer a place in recharging the spirit and to leave the place with greater enthusiasm to do the Pauline apostolate. To highlight this aspect, Fr. Stesuri emphasized to his listeners that it is in this house that many important events took place for the SSP like the one-month Retreat of 1960 with the Founder himself being present which is fundamental for the future orientation of the Pauline charismatic heredity. The importance of the place was further enriched, he continued, by the presence of Pope Francis and members of the Vatican Curia who have recently concluded their Lenten Retreat, drawing "ohs" and "wows" of wonderment and contentment from the attentive audience.

Br. Luigi Furcas, in his capacity as the Delegate of the Retreat House, was next to welcome the pilgrims and wished them a happy sojourn in Ariccia and a fruitful pilgrimage.

At the end Fr. Guido Colombo, presently attending the Pauline Family Retreat and an additional member to the Sub-commission for the PF Centennial Pilgrimages on behalf of the Italian Province, highlighted some points how to live out the pilgrimage in our life and mission. Meanwhile, Sr. Monica Vitale AP, also a member of the Sub-commission for the PF Centennial Pilgrimages, together with the other members of the Apostoline Sisters, shared to the group their life testimony as the last Institute founded by Fr. Alberione and animated the pilgrims with a prepared "Prayers at the beginning of the Pilgrimage" enriched with Scripture readings and lively songs. At the praying of the "Our Father" in one's own tongue and in subdued voices but heard in distinct different dialects was like the different notes of a symphony but which produce a pleasant and harmonious melody. The prayer animation was concluded by the "Prayer of Blessing" imparted on the pilgrims by the SSP Vicar General.

The pilgrims were guided by Sr Maria Grazia Gabelli FPS, for the charismatic aspect, and by Mr Giovanni Puthod, pastoral Operator of the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, for logistics and general organization.
To capture some moments of the pilgrimage are some photos which, on the first day of the event, was dedicated to following in the footsteps of St Paul in Rome, guided with Pauline enthusiasm and in depth preparation of Fr Alessandro Castegnaro, the National Director of the Pauline Cooperators-SSP of the Province of Italy. The day was concluded by the Eucharistic celebration in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls by Fr Castegnaro with Fr Stesuri and Pauline priests who are pilgrims themselves. The rest of the pilgrimage proceeded as programmed.