Thu, Sep

HYMN (mp3) - MUSIC


Praise to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Spirit, Three in One,
Trinity Eternal, all divine, we praise and thank for Foundation Pauline!
Grant us your Grace, your Spirit and Love, to spread the Gospel truth, to everyone.
For this, O gracious Lord, you chose Blessed James Alberione – O, we Praise!


Be not afraid - I am with you, from the Tabernacle giving you strength!
Chosen are you to go and proclaim, by means of the most modern media:
I am the Alpha and Omega true, the only WAY, TRUTH and LIFE!
Follow my steps, renew and grow, in the charism of your Founder.

Make me like Jesus, O God and Father, Creator of the Universe. 
For me he shed his blood on the Cross – that I may with You forever live
From the womb of my mother you've called me - I am yours, Jesus, I am!
Teach me the truth, deepen my faith and immerse me in sacred Scripture.

We while celebrate our centenary, pray we for those, who have given of their sweat,
From day one nourishing us with His Word; rooting us in His Spirit and Love
Hail O Apostle of the Gentiles, our Model and Patron, help us we pray.
Mission demanding, but not impossible, with Mary our Mother, Teacher and Queen!