Sáb., Set.


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First Profession 2013 IndiaIt was a day of bliss and of celebration as four of our novices made their First Religious Profession on 31 May 2013. The Community of Bangalore was swamped with joy and gratitude to God as Bro Shavanton Peter, Francis Xavier Aind, Pradeep Kumar and Domiyan Borgoyary pronounced their vows before God and Rev Fr Miachel Raj, the Provincial Superior of India-Nigeria Province, who presided over the solemn Eucharist.

During the homily, Fr Provincial highlighted the importance of giving personal testimony to Christ who expects personal responses from his followers. By referring to the challenges posed by the modern communication media, he urged the young religious to prepare themselves to take up the Pauline Mission. The newly Professed Brothers were felicitated with traditional shawls of Northeast by their relatives and friends. The fraternal and delicious meal after the felicitation was a fitting finale for the celebration. The function was well attended by the family members of the newsy Professed, a few Paulines and a large number of religious and friends.

The Province is proud of the newly Professed Brothers and wishes the very best in their further years of formative journey towards the Priesthood.


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