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Ordination Fr. SwamyOne more priest for the Church, one more priest for the Society of St Paul! The India-Nigeria Province of the Society of St Paul expresses sincere gratitude to God for the gift of Pauline vocation and priesthood to Rev. Antony Swamy. He was ordained a priest by Most Rev Thomas Vazhapilly, the Bishop of Mysore at 10 am on 10 May, 2013 in the presence of priests, religious and hundreds of faithful.

The solemn ordination ceremony held in his home parish, St Antony’s Church, Jageri, Pasca Nagar was attended by Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior, Fr Thomas M J, the Director of Formation, Superiors and members from various communities, priests, religious and parishioners and dear ones of Antony Swamy. Fr Provincial in his inspiring homily reminded the candidate about the significance of his call and invited him to remain ever faithful to his religious and priestly vocation and, to exercise his ministerial duties with sanctity and commitment. He also exhorted the faithful to support and respect God’s anointed ministers even in their human frailties. The entire congregation remained in jubilation to felicitate the newly ordained after the mass. The day’s program ended with an agape meal.

The newly ordained celebrated his First Thanksgiving Mass on the following morning together with a good number of con-celebrating priests of the Society of St Paul and the diocese. Fr Richard Amaladas, the homilist challenged Fr Antony Swamy to hold on to the faith at all occasions and be the light of the world and the salt of the earth after the example of Jesus our Divine Master.

Fr Antony Swamy thanked everybody for their continued guidance and support and sought prayers for the success of his life and mission. While we congratulate the newly ordained, we assure our prayerful support and best wishes for a joyful and meaningful ministry as a Pauline Priest. Congratulations dear Fr Antony Swamy!


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