Wed, Sep


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[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder circoscrizione/gra/2011/campbell is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

Stephen Moseling, Operations Co-ordinator of St Pauls, pointed out that, next to the Holy Father, Bishop Campbell is St Pauls’ most prolific author, with six books published in five years. He went on to say, “Like all of his books, this latest work is the result of a life spent studying Sacred Scripture. It is another example of the Bishop’s ability to interpret scripture in such a way that all who read it are enriched and encouraged on their journey with Christ through the liturgical year”. He then read out a message of greeting from Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor who, due to a prior engagement, was unable to be present.

Bishop Campbell expressed his thanks to the Apostolic Nuncio for taking time to be present at the launch. He spoke of his delight in seeing the many friends from his time in the Diocese of Westminster who were present at the launch, especially those from St Augustine’s, Hammersmith.

Publication of the book coincided with the third anniversary of Bishop Campbell’s Episcopal Ordination. To mark the occasion, Bishop Campbell was presented with a copy of another recent publication from St PAULS, Walsingham, Pilgrims and Pilgrimage.



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