Fri, Sep




[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder circoscrizione/ind/2011/ind_provhap is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder circoscrizione/ind/2011/ind_provhap is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

Appreciating the service of the Society of St Paul to the Indian Church through social communications, His Grace exhorted the members to be involved pastorally in the joys and sorrows of the people of India, who live in a nation that is fast developing.  Giving Jesus is the answer to all the concerns in the Indian society and this should be the prime goal of every religious.


ev. Fr Silvio Sassi  thanked the Archbishop and said that our service to the Church and the society is through the media of social communications. He also expressed his confidence in the bright future of the India-Nigeria province. 

Rev Fr Michael Raj felicitated the Archbishop for his graceful presence and thanked the Provincial and councilors of PDDM for their encouraging presence at the inauguration.


Agenda Paolina

September 20, 2024

Memoria dei Ss. Andrea Kim Taegon, sacerdote, Paolo Chong Hasang e compagni, martiri (rosso)
1Cor 15,12-20; Sal 16; Lc 8,1-3

September 20, 2024

* PD: 1952 arrivo in Messico • SJBP: 2011 a Brazzano (Italia).

September 20, 2024SSP: D. Daniele Berardo (1944) - Fr. Cristino M. Rifici (1994) • FSP: Sr. M. Teresa Figher (1992) - Sr. M. Pia Delgado (2008) • PD: Sr. M. Nazarena Taricco (1943) - Sr. M. Clelia Nakagawa (1985) - Sr. M. Bambina Tramuta (1989) • SJBP: Sr. Giannina Zonchello (2016) • IGS: D. Dario Moauro (1998) • IMSA: Anna Manca (2012).


September 20, 2024

L’Apostolato della stampa ha un solo tesoro: l’eterno, che vuole assicurare a sé, che vuol procurare agli altri. Queste anime gli sono care, come care al Cuore di Gesù che diede per esse la vita (LS 99).

September 20, 2024

El apostolado de la prensa pretende un único tesoro: el eterno, que quiere asegurarse para sí y facilitar a los demás. Ama a las almas, como las ama el Corazón de Jesús, que dio su vida por ellas (LS 99).

September 20, 2024

The Apostle of the Press has only one treasure: the eternal, which he wants to secure for himself, which he wants to procure for others. These souls are dear to him, as dear to the Heart of Jesus who gave his life for them (LS 99).


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