Sat, Jul


Without losing what we have achieved in the conventional means of communications, and ever-faithful to our roots as Paulines, we have to recover our identity as an international congregation of apostles dedicated to be in the forefront of the “new evangelization,” by professionalizing our actual presence in the new reality of digital communications.

1. On Pauline Spirituality
Let us institute on the international level a working and workable equippe/ institute of spiritual animation, with two-fold specializations:
a. It shall have the initiative to give a proper understanding of the essentials of Blessed Alberione’s formulation of the Pauline Spirituality as these are interpreted according to the changing modes of digital communications.
b. It shall elaborate materials and resources that shall treat the Pauline Visit, the Eucharist Celebrations, the Community Life, the Pauline Vows, and the Pauline Formation in connection to our specific mission of communications today.

2. On Pauline Vocational Research
Let us make our fields of apostolates as also our fields for vocational promotions. Not only our printed products, but also our institutional and apostolic websites should be designed to contain explicit features for Pauline vocational promotions: such as banners and links.

3. On Pauline Formation
Let us reinforce our programs of formation (the iter formationis):
a. In all levels – college, juniorate, and ongoing formation – we should include proper programs to train and update Paulines on the sociological, theoretical and practical aspects of digital communications.
b. Circumscriptions should continue specialized studies for members in the fields of Communications, Sacred Scriptures and Theology.

4. On the Pauline Mentality for Evangelization
Let us be more dynamic in our convictions and practices of the apostolate of communications and evangelization:
a. by sharing our spirituality and mission with our lay collaborators through a program of formation for lay collaborators
b. through periodic international seminars on the continuing actualization of our Pauline Charism

5. On Pauline Communitarian Life and the Vows
Let us put together some practical guidelines for evaluating and renewing our Pauline religious life. Since we acknowledge the need to adapt practices and the style of Pauline community life according to the demands of various forms of Pauline apostolates…
a. Let us enunciate what can be the basic differences between the style of day-to-day community life in a formation community, and in an apostolic community
b. Let us define, keeping in mind the formulations made by Blessed Alberione, what are the essential Pauline practices and convictions that must be kept.

D. Gilbert Kannikkat, D. Guzman Dominador, D. Pais Bento Albino, D. Muthukulathil Philip, D. Layug Joselito, D. Lane Charles Edmund, D. Chittinapilly Jose, D. Sebastian Ampattukuzhy, D. Sobrejuanite Mario, D. Pottayil Jose

Agenda Paolina

July 27, 2024

Feria (verde)
Ger 7,1-11; Sal 83; Mt 13,24-30

July 27, 2024

* SSP: 1996 a Panamá (Panama) • FSP: 1968 a Lahore (Pakistan) • SJBP: 1975 a Redenção (Brasile).

July 27, 2024SSP: Venerabile Maggiorino Vigolungo (1918) - D. Bartolomeo Oberto (1968) - D. Antonio Ugenti (2020) - Fr. Santiago Kloster (2021) - Fr. Vincent Cheruparampil (2023) • FSP: Sr. Anastácia De Marinis (2008) - Sr. M. Donata Farisco (2011) - Sr. M. Ida Hoga (2020) • PD: Sr. M. Giuditta Sawal (1969) - Sr. M. Pierpia Brondino (2015) • SJBP: Sr. Emma Ciaccarella (1998) • ISF: Chiaro Arixi (2001).