Sat, Apr


After conducting the affairs of the Chapter, the capitulars were encouraged to reflect upon the documents given by the General Government for possible motions that could be presented in the General Chapter. The purpose of the motions is threefold: 1) Allow the participants of the 9th General Chapter and the emerging General Government understand the peculiar situation of the Province in its present socio-cultural-religious scenario; 2) Underline the problems and challenges faced in reading and “interpreting the signs of the times” and in the process of “rekindling the Charism received in creative fidelity to the Founder”; and,  3)  find suitable solutions so that the Pauline mission becomes relevant and acceptable to the vast majority of people and challenging and fulfilling to members.

At the concluding Eucharist celebrated by Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior declared the 14th Provincial Chapter India-Nigeria closed.

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Agenda Paolina

April 26, 2024

Feria (bianco)
At 13,26-33; Sal 2; Gv 14,1-6

April 26, 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

April 26, 2024SSP: Ch. Stefano Bernardi (1931) - D. Francesco Santacaterina (1941) - D. Vincenzo Testi (1978) - D. Ernesto Luchino (1993) - Fr. Giulio Dell’Arciprete (2002) - D. Francesco Mirti (2006) • FSP: Sr. M. Paola Morbini (1983) - Sr. Emerenziana Costa (1988) - Sr. M. Loreta Gioacchini (2007) - Sr. Bianca M. Horii (2021) • PD: Nov. Giuseppina Cauli (1960) - Sr. M. Cleofe Piscitello (1996) - Sr. M. Santina Ferreyra (1997) - Sr. M. Francisca Marchegiani (2014) - Sr. M. Judith Mascarenhas (2019) • IMSA: Rita Lombardi (2017) - Adélia da Costa Pereira da Silva (2020) - Adelia Accossu (2021).


April 26, 2024

Essere fedeli a Gesù osservando i consigli evangelici di perfezione che ci ha dato; essergli fedeli osservando i santi comandamenti; essergli fedeli ricevendo bene i sacramenti che sono i mezzi di grazia, i mezzi con cui la vita di Gesù Cristo è partecipata all’anima, all’uomo (APD56, 257).

April 26, 2024

Hay que ser fieles a Jesús observando los consejos evangélicos de perfección que él nos ha dado; ser fieles a él guardando los santos mandamientos; ser fieles a él recibiendo bien los sacramentos que son los medios de la gracia, los medios por los que la vida de Jesucristo se comparte con el alma, con el hombre (APD56, 257).

April 26, 2024

Be faithful to Jesus by observing the evangelical counsels of perfection that he has given us; be faithful to him by keeping the holy commandments; be faithful to him by receiving well the sacraments which are the means of grace, the means by which the life of Jesus Christ is shared in the soul, shared to man (APD56, 257).


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