Sáb., Set.


After conducting the affairs of the Chapter, the capitulars were encouraged to reflect upon the documents given by the General Government for possible motions that could be presented in the General Chapter. The purpose of the motions is threefold: 1) Allow the participants of the 9th General Chapter and the emerging General Government understand the peculiar situation of the Province in its present socio-cultural-religious scenario; 2) Underline the problems and challenges faced in reading and “interpreting the signs of the times” and in the process of “rekindling the Charism received in creative fidelity to the Founder”; and,  3)  find suitable solutions so that the Pauline mission becomes relevant and acceptable to the vast majority of people and challenging and fulfilling to members.

At the concluding Eucharist celebrated by Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior declared the 14th Provincial Chapter India-Nigeria closed.

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Agenda Paulina

21 setembro 2024

Festa di S. Matteo, apostolo ed evangelista (rosso)
Ef 4,1-7.11-13; Sal 18; Mt 9,9-13

21 setembro 2024

* PD: 1962 a York, Ontario (Canada) • SJBP: 1999 arrivo in Gabon.

21 setembro 2024SSP: D. Renato Perino (1995) • FSP: Sr. M. Elena Tezzele (2007) - Sr. M. Adelia Moreira (2007) - Sr. Concetta Marongiu (2009) - Sr. M. Letizia Di Michele (2011) - Sr. Nazarena Silvestre (2018) • PD: Sr. M. Ermenegilda Pasqualini (1941) • ISF: Savino Crema (1993).


21 setembro 2024

La Sacra Scrittura e l’Apostolato della Stampa si servono della medesima voce: lo scritto. In una sala di redazione il miglior ornamento è un quadro degli Evangelisti; il miglior segno ed oggetto di culto un Vangelo aperto là dove si dice: «Il seme è la parola di Dio...» (LS 99).

21 setembro 2024

La sagrada Escritura y el apostolado de la prensa se sirven de la misma voz: lo escrito. En una oficina de redacción el mejor adorno es un cuadro de los Evangelistas y el mejor signo y objeto de culto un Evangelio abierto en la página que dice: «Semen est verbum Dei...» (LS 99).

21 setembro 2024

Sacred Scripture and the Press Apostolate use the same voice: the written word. In an editorial room the best ornament is a picture of the Evangelists; the best sign and object of worship is a Gospel opened where it is said: “The seed is the word of God...” (LS 99).


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