Sat, Jul


img Goonan

Personal Delegate
Nomina: 1 novembre 2019
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Comunità e Attività




The city of Brisbane is just over a thousand kilometres  away from Sydney with the population of over a million people. It was also the first time for the Superior General to visit Brisbane. He was obviously impressed by the location of the Book Centre besides the St Stephen’s Cathedral and the location of the apartment where the two Pauline members, Fr Ruben Nadalich and Fr Bruno Colombari live.  Before their meeting with the Superior General, Fr Bruno took time to show Fr. Silvio  the Book Centre and its surrounds. Then Fr Nestor brought him to the location of the vacant property of the Society of St Paul in Brisbane which is about ten minutes drive from central Brisbane.

Before returning to Sydney on an evening flight, the Superior General together with Fr Bruno and Fr Nestor made a courtesy visit to the Archbishop of Brisbane, Most Rev John Bathersby. During the visit the Archbishop expressed his sincere thanks and deep appreciation for the presence of the Paulines in his Archdiocese through St Pauls Book Centre. ‘It is very important,’ he said, 'that good books and good religious materials are made available for the people of the Archdiocese – priests, religious and laity.’

Back in Sydney, the Superior General and Br Walter Rodriguez met up with the new Regional Council in the morning. In the afternoon, Fr Nestor accompanied him to see some sights in the city of Sydney and visited the Book Centre of the Daughters of St Paul. Dinner with the community was held together with members of the Pauline Family Sisters (Sister Disciples and Daughters of St Paul).

Celebrating his last Mass the following morning at the chapel of  the Sister Disciples, Fr. Silvio reminded them on three things – to be faithful to the charism and thoughts of the founder, to continue to work for unity in spirituality and apostolate in the Pauline Family and to be mindful always to carry on with the mission of the Pauline Family in the context of the Australian culture in which the Pauline Family in Australia belong.

Truly, we in the Society of St Paul and members of our Pauline Family in Australia are grateful for the presence and the guidance of the Superior General together with Br Walter Rodriguez at  their five-day visit.

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