Lun, Jui


February 10, Makati, Philippines — As the official observers of CAP-ESW Frs Dominador Guzman, Jr. and Leonardo Ellezar took over the presiding of the Eucharistic celebration of the day, they also...

February 9, Borello Hall, Makati — The Eucharistic Celebration at the Queen of the Apostle Chapel presided by Japan-Korea delegates was a special one. Before the start of the mass, the Vicar General...

February 7, Borello Hall, Makati — The second day started with a Eucharistic Mass presided by Fr. Michael Raj, Provincial Superior of India-Nigeria Circumscription. In the homily, Fr. Jose Pottayil...

February 8, Borello Hall, Makati – The day started with the Eucharistic Celebration at the Queen of Apostles Chapel led by the delegates from the Region of Australia. Fr. Nestor Candado, the...

February 6, Borello Hall, SSP Makati — The meeting began with the chanting of the Invocation to the Holy Spirit led by Fr. Jose Aripio, SSP, the President of the CAP-ESW Plenary Meeting. He then...

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Agenda Paolina

16 juin 2024

XI del Tempo Ordinario (verde)
Ez 17,22-24; Sal 91; 2Cor 5,6-10; Mc 4,26-34

16 juin 2024

* SSP: 1955 inizio in Germania, Remscheid • FSP: 1967 a New Delhi (India) - 1969 a Mangalore (India).

16 juin 2024SSP: D. Teófilo Pérez (2023) • FSP: Sr. Lina Zoppi (1985) - Sr. M. Olga Ambrosi (1997) - Sr. Beniamina Maria Miletta (2001) - Sr. M. Giuliana Dalese (2009) - Sr. Faustina Giaretta Parodi (2010) - Sr. M. Carmine Pellicano (2020) • PD: Sr. M. Immaculée Fournier (2022) • SJBP: Sr. Beatrice Censi (2007) • ISF: Teresa Ceppa (2006) - Giuseppina Ruoppolo Palumbo (2023).