Sun, Jun

By now, in many countries of the western hemisphere, the school year is already halfway through its course. During the Christmas break, however, let us continue to practice what we have learned. This is true in life: one never goes on vacation in the process of learning and formation. Even the good things learned from kindergarten are part of our baggage, of our personality and we continue to practice them in our daily life. For example: if we open the door, we close it after us; if we wet the floor, we dry it; if the open window keeps banging against the frame, we fix it; if we hurt another person, we ask for forgiveness; if some persons get into our nerves, patience; if we cross the road, we hold hands and together we cross it.

Even as adults, let us continue with ongoing formation, because “study” is for all of life, in view of eternity. Let us deepen further our motivations to form ourselves integrally in the school of life. As apostle-communicators, we want to offer human and Christian values to our recipients even without talking to them about religious themes. But to communicate well, first we must dispose ourselves to listen: to listen to God and to others, so as to transmit life lived with coherence and intelligence.

To learn profitably and profoundly, we must train ourselves in the virtue of humility that we learn at the school of the Master, of Jesus Christ, who is for us the safest Way in making our pilgrimage resolutely in this life, the Truth that triumphs over all the fake news that mislead us every day, especially in social media, and the Life that gives meaning to our existence despite being contaminated by the culture of death.

Let us go to the “original” school that is still extant, in the cave of Bethlehem. Primo Maestro invites us: «Contemplate the crib! The first school that the divine Master opened is the cave. Yes, he taught with words, but foremost he taught with example, with deeds. With deeds! From the crib, we learn poverty, purity, docility or obedience. So with deeds the crib, the child teaches us» (To the Pastorelle Sisters, 764, 1964).

But since this school in the Holy Land is so far away, let us go to the one that is very close, accessible every day: in our chapel, at the feet of the Master, during the Eucharistic Visit! May this school of humility become a school of fidelity for us, doing everything for the Gospel, beginning with simple but important things, such as: always running on the four wheels; to close the door of selfishness and to open the heart to communion; cleanse the stain of hatred deep within with the delicateness of forgiveness and mercy; to unite the mind with the confreres and sisters but, above all, to unite the hearts and the wills, so that we can work as a team to announce the Good News; to open our whole being ─ mind-will-heart ─ to reach everyone by today's means, favouring the digital, especially social media; and, finally, to walk together with so much good will, like a Family that “sets out”, because with united and complementary forces, we can also reach those who are in the virtual and existential peripheries.

Blessings of the Holy Season of Christmas!

* Don Celso Godilano è consigliere generale e membro del SIF

La sezione "In Dialogo" vuole essere uno spazio di formazione, dialogo e interazione tra i membri della Famiglia Paolina di tutto il mondo. Invitiamo, quindi, tutti voi a commentare gli articoli qui pubblicati e anche, per chi se la sente, a inviare un testo da pubblicare. Questi contributi saranno sempre benvenuti per arricchire il nostro... dialogo!

Agenda Paolina

May 02, 2024

Memoria di S. Atanasio, vescovo e dottore della Chiesa (bianco)
At 15,7-21; Sal 95; Gv 15,9-11

May 02, 2024

* PD: 1950 arrivo in Giappone.

May 02, 2024FSP: Sr. Elena Montemezzo (1983) - Sr. M. Aloisia Bortoletto (2014) • PD: Sr. M. Silvestrina Rustico (1946) - Sr. M. Lourdes Rodríguez (2000) - Sr. M. Innocente Sakamoto (2023) • IGS: D. Antonio Maria Tozzi (2020) • ISGA: Antoni Szulcek (1999) • IMSA: Dorothy Kopcho (1997) - Cristina Guarino (2017) • ISF: Colomba Pennesi (1997) - Aurelio Bellavista (2004).