Sat, Jun

Alberione(Rome). From 4 to 18 November a canonical recognition of the body of Blessed James Alberione took place.  The new wax reproduction of the face and hands is the work and gift of Professor Laura Cretara, Directress of the “Scuola dell’Arte della Medaglia”, of the State “Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca”.

In the afternoon of Tuesday 18 November, at the conclusion of the work, Fr. Antonio Da Silva, Postulator General of the Pauline Family addressed those present:

We wish that the prayer of St. Paul and Blessed Alberione, will allow us to be able to understand with all the saints the “ampleness, length, height and depth” of our vocation and mission.

We therefore welcome the teaching of our Father and Founder:


“T o us especially is the command and the ineffable and persuasive sweetness of the invitation: Be perfect.  Sanctity is neither a privilege nor is it reserved.
Good young people do not make profession without the pact of becoming virtuous.
Sanctity is a virtue at the highest level; it is a hastening of the  poetry of goodness.  The good done with rigidity and force... is not sanctity.
A saint is not a worn-out man nor a half conscious person who does not know how to take his proper part in life… For St. Paul sanctity is the full maturity of a person, the perfect person: «In virum perfectum».
A saint does not uninvolve, but develops; does not stop, but has the “proficiebat” as coat of arms.  Sanctity is life, movement, nobility, effervescence; that which is good, not that which falls, but that which rises.  Yes! But it shall be, only and always, in proportion to the spirit of faith, and of our will: God is with us; we are co-operators of God. (G. ALBERIONE, San Paolo, September 1954, p. 7).

While we thank the Lord for giving us as father, St. Paul and Blessed James Alberione, we want to offer the work of filial piety done in this canonical recognition.

We have felt the maternal hand of the Church in the attention and availability of all sectors of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal.  To each and everyone we express our sincerely gratitude:

  • Msgr. Gianfranco Bella, Delegate of  Cardinal Agostino Vallini
  • Msgr. Giuseppe D’Alonzo, Promoter of Justice
  • Comm. Giuseppe Gobbi, Chancellor
    Dr. Marcello Terramani, Notary
  • Comm. Nicolino Casu, Technician
    Our sincere thanks to Prof. Arcudi and tol Prof. Silvestro Mauriello.
  • Words could not describe the concerned dedication of Sr. Agar Loche, PDDM, and of Prof. Laura Cretara, for the realisation and the offering of the face and hands in wax.
  • Thanks to Mr. Maurizio Burli, for the urn in plexiglass prepared in such a tight schedule.
  • Thanks to the two custodians Br. Giorgio and Sr. Maria Amoris Oh, PDDM
  • Finally, gratitude goes to all the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master who have prepared the new vestments for the body.

In 1957-1958 Fr. Alberione promoted a year dedicated to St Paul indicating  diverse objectives: to show gratitude to the Father (St. Paul), to know better St. Paul,to  imitate better his virtues, to pray to St. Paul, to love the Apostle, and to obtain discernment for the Pauline mission.

In this year dedicated to St Paul announced by Pope Benedict XVI we want to likewise apply these objectives of Blessed Alberione, our father and founder. 



