Sat, Apr

Reminiscing on the beginnings, Primo Maestro affirms: "The Pauline Family is born when the then reigning Holy Father was not supported in addressing the press" (Vademecum, no. 942). The expansion of the Pauline apostolate, with the subsequent utilization of the cinema, radio, television and compact discs, is also the result of the constant attention that the Founder was giving to the Pope's pronouncements on these media.


Agenda Paolina

April 20, 2024

Feria (bianco)
At 9,31-42; Sal 115; Gv 6,60-69

April 20, 2024

* SJBP: 1986 a Santiago de Chile (Cile) - 1997 a Vitória (Brasile).

April 20, 2024SSP: Fr. Maurizio Frola (2001) - Fr. Timothy Tirkey (2009) - Fr. Francesco Rossi (2020) • FSP: Sr. M. Dina Braglia (1992) - Sr. M. Elisabetta Roagna (2000) - Sr. M. Rosalia Tonin (2005) - Sr. M. Pacis Cuadra (2011) - Sr. Concetta Belleggia (2012) - Sr. Silvia Rossarolla (2019) • PD: Sr. M. Vincenzina Fea (1998) • IGS: D. Attilio Scipioni (1987) - D. Salvatore Strazzuso (1997) - D. Walter Pasolini (2004) • ISF: Francesco Melotto (1991).