Wed, Apr

From the introduction of the author: "This biography carries a historical and not hagiographic character.  It presents facts and situations and not panygeries... This work is addressed not only at Italian readers but belongs to all the regions of the world, for Pauline and non Paulines alike.  For this reason the geographic and historical descriptions are also included where Giacomo Alberione has lived and worked".

PDF Italian  (2.88mb)

Agenda Paolina

April 24, 2024

Feria (bianco)
S. Fedele da Sigmaringen, sacerdote e martire
At 12,24A13,5; Sal 66; Gv 12,44-50

April 24, 2024

* FSP: 1948 a Bogotá (Colombia) - 1994 a Lagos (Nigeria).

April 24, 2024SSP: Fr. Paolo Yamano (1982) - D. Pio Bertino (1994) • FSP: Sr. Paula Maria Simoes (1999) - Sr. Modesta Cane (2006) - Sr. M. Fidelis Catapano (2019) - Sr. Mary Guadalupe Martinez (2020) - Sr. M. Lucina Canu (2021) • PD: Sr. M. Fiorella Portale (1990) - Sr. M. Luciana Lazzarini (2018) - Sr. M. Giorgina Butano (2022) • IMSA: Ester Peveraro (2019) • ISF: Italina Torreggiani (2010) - Giuseppe Locastello (2017).