Mer, Apr


Paul’s letters were communal letters addressed to specific communities, to ekklesiai or house churches. Moreover, Paul wrote from within a community. He was surrounded by companions or helpers who...

The New Testament is silent on the death of the two apostles. The Acts of the Apostles ends with Paul’s imprisonment in Rome. Tradition affirms rather confidently that he was released, was...

http://www.sanpaolo.org/fc/0926fc/0926fc40.htm Milano. “Famiglia Cristiana”, n. 26, dal 28 giugno 2009, pagine 40-46. “Tra gli effetti benefici che la celebrazione...

Peregrinatio Pauli - Programma FSPAccogliamo con profonda devozione e venerazione “Paolo pellegrino” al termine del suo itinerare in moltissime località Italiane nel sacro...

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