Mon, Jun

TaniguichiITA - ESP - ENG

In the first hours of Sunday, 29 December 2013, our brother Priest has ended his earthly existence FR. FUJIO PIETRO ATANASIO TANIGUCHI 76 years, 63 of Pauline life, 48 of priesthood He passed away at night, at 10.50 p.m. (local time), in the Catholic hospital "San Giovanni Saku- ra-Machi" of Tokyo, where he was admitted about a month ago due to a form of tumor spread and diagnosed in an advanced state. Coming from Tabira (Nagasaki, Japan), where he was born on 15 December 1937, Fujio Pietro entered the Society of Saint Paul in Fukuoka on 21 March 1950, at the age of twelve. He had his first Pauline formation in the seminary of Fukuoka, attending to his intellectual for- mation and dedicating himself to the printing press apostolate. Starting 8 April 1957 followed the year of novitiate in Tokyo, which ended with his religious profession on 9 April 1958, when he as- sumed the new name of Atanasio. Three years later, on 9 April 1961, he made his perpetual profes- sion in Akasaka-Tokyo.


Agenda Paolina

June 17, 2024

Feria (verde)
S. Ranieri di Pisa
1Re 21,1b-16; Sal 5; Mt 5,38-42

June 17, 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

June 17, 2024SSP: D. Carlo Bagatta (2006) - D. Swamy Anthony (2023) • FSP: Sr. Corradina Mariotti (1995) - Sr. M. Esdra Bianchi (1999) - Sr. Anna Maria De Simone (2009) • PD: Sr. M. Andreina Messa (1988) • ISF: Hugo Carlos Barradas (2006) - Gaetano Butera (2007) - Josefina Teresa Martínez (2021) - Giovanna Mazzarelli Chimienti (2021).


June 17, 2024

Quando c’è buona volontà si ama la povertà; quando c’è buona volontà si è delicati di coscienza, si fa gran conto dei piccoli difetti e gran conto delle piccole virtù. Quando c’è buona volontà si sta più buoni se nessuno osserva che quando si è osservati (APD56, 41).

June 17, 2024

Cuando hay buena voluntad, se ama la pobreza; cuando hay buena voluntad, se es delicados de conciencia, se tienen muy en cuenta los pequeños defectos y mucho las pequeñas virtudes. Cuando hay buena voluntad, se es mejores cuando nadie observa que cuando se es observados (APD56, 41).

June 17, 2024

When there is good will, poverty is loved; when there is good will, one is delicate of conscience, great account is taken of small defects and great account of small virtues. When there is good will, one feels better if no one observes than when one is being observed (APD56, 41).