Lun, Jun

Panorama Paolino 2014A year end review of the Society of St Paul taken from some of the official news photos sent by the different SSP circumscriptions throughout 2014. We thank God for all that has been and once more ask for His guidance in the year ahead. Like our founder, Blessed James Alberione, we recognise that each of us are "half-blind" (AD, 202) persons who always need God's light and healing. With God's love, we strain forward.





Agenda Paolina

17 Junio 2024

Feria (verde)
S. Ranieri di Pisa
1Re 21,1b-16; Sal 5; Mt 5,38-42

17 Junio 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

17 Junio 2024SSP: D. Carlo Bagatta (2006) - D. Swamy Anthony (2023) • FSP: Sr. Corradina Mariotti (1995) - Sr. M. Esdra Bianchi (1999) - Sr. Anna Maria De Simone (2009) • PD: Sr. M. Andreina Messa (1988) • ISF: Hugo Carlos Barradas (2006) - Gaetano Butera (2007) - Josefina Teresa Martínez (2021) - Giovanna Mazzarelli Chimienti (2021).