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ITA -  ESP -  ENG Sunday 8 February 2009, our brother Disciple of the Divine Master has returned to the Father BRO. SILVIO VIRGINIO DANTE, 81 years, 68 of Pauline life, 63 of...

ITA - ESP - ENG Enter into the joy of your Lord! it is the sweet invitation that the divine Master has addressed, on the day of his Feastday, to our brother Priest FR. GIULIANO GIOVANNI ZOPPI, 82...

ITA - ESP - ENG Alle prime ore di oggi, 19 marzo 2008, nell’Ospedale “San Camilo” di Buenos Aires (Argentina), è tornato al Padre il nostro fratello Discepolo del Divin Maestro FR. FEDERICO CARMELO...

ITA - ESP - ENG At 12:30 am today, 20 March 2008, in the clinic of Ruber in Madrid (Spain), has returned to the Father our brother Priest FR. ANTONIO LUIS D {iframe width="725"...

ITA - ESP - ENG News has arrived to us from Santiago de Chile that today, Wednesday 9 January 2008, has concluded the earthly life of our brother Priest FR. ANTONIO ALESSANDRO TACCONI 83 years old,...

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