Mon, Jun

ITA - ESP - ENG  In the first hours Tuesday 2 March 2010, the Divine Master has called to his eternal reward our brother Priest FR. GIOVANNI MASSIMO SELLE, 85 years, 74 of Pauline life, 60 of...

ITA - ESP - ENG Yesterday evening, Tuesday 5 January 2010, in the community of Milan, our brother Priest has returned to the Father FR. LEONARDO FRANCESCO ZEGA, 81 years, 68 of Pauline life, 55 of...

Milano, 7 gennaio 2010, ore 16.00. Era appena tornato da un breve viaggio in Medio Oriente. “Volevo un po’ di sole”, diceva. È morto alla vigilia dell’Epifania, la manifestazione di Gesù ai Magi, re...

ITA - ESP - ENG In this first day of the year, solemnity of Mary Most Holy Mother of God, the Divine Master has called to his eternal reward our dear brother Priest FR. MARIO ALESSANDRO ZAPPA 80...

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