Dom, Jun


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 Fr. Guzman, tackled in his talk the tri-cord line of Pauline Evangelization: Media, Gospel and Church after establishing in his prolegomena that Fr. James Alberione was a forerunner, ahead of his times when he envisioned an evangelization through the modern means of communication.

The New Evangelization, which is now in the culture of communication is of course situated in a techonological development which is ambivalent, depending on one’s goal. Thus Paulines, to be constantly relevant in their evangelization work, must continually update themselves with the fast changing culture. But keeping abreast is not enough, Fr. Guzman shares that there is the Gospel which is the core of the Pauline apostolate but which must be supplemented with the doctrine, morals and liturgy, the matrix of human values, the true meaning of the “kingdom of God“. Furthermore, one can not just rely on a personal charism. There is a need to work with others in the Church as a congregation or a team. In an organized Pauline apostolate, one’s spirituality of reparation, a thing that distinguishes the work of a Pauline from other media practitioners, is lived out. Fr. Guzman, in line with the call of the the Pope Benedict XVI and the Bishops also stressed that with the new evangelization the stress is not just mission to foreign lands (Ad gentes), but even to the already converted who are in constant need of being evangelized.

Sponsored by the Society of Saint, the brothers and priest assisted in the registration, welcome remarks, the prayers of the faithful and the fellowship that followed the miniworkshops that tackled on one’s learnings vis-a-vis the Tri-cord of Pauline Evangelization as well some observations (doing sentire cum Ecclesia) on the needs of the local Church. 

Fotos by Cl. Lawrence de Peralta, SSP & Cl. Anthony Capirayan, SSP
