Seg., Jun.


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Stressing the importance of Paul’s experience of Jesus as the impetus for the communicating the gospel, Sr. Bernardita also explored the ten characteristics of Paul as an effective communicator: 1) a purpose driven communicator; 2)absorbed by the transformation power of the cross; 3) focused on communion and connectedness which is beyond ethnic, social and gender barriers; 4) feels the sense of urgency a his apocalyptic gospel requires; 5) feels a strong sense of responsibility not as a complaint (his often use of the word obliges) because Jesus is the whole purpose of his life; 6) an adaptable communicator (cf. 1 Cor 9:20-22); 7) communicated the message without compromise as many time he had to face squarely the influential leaders like Cephas to drive out the prominence of the Gospel of Jesus; 8) invested himself in the process of Jesus like a parent to his communities; 9) conscious that his very message endowed him with authority, urging others to be imitators of him as he was of Christ (1Cor 11:1), and 10) totally dedicated to the message that he dared to risk his own life for it (2 Cor 11:24ff) so that for him, to live is Christ (Phil 1: 21)

A faith sharing followed as Sr. Benardita asked everyone to share on the quality of Paul as Communicator and Apsotle that needs to be developed so that the Pauline Charism can be revitalized and relaunched.

The activity, facilitated by the Daughters of Saint Paul, was earlier opened by the Welcome  of SSP Provincial Superior Fr. Jose Aripio, SSP and the Opening prayer of Sr. Evangeline Canag, FSP, closed with a merienda cena after the Prayers of the Faithful led by Sr, Terisina Kim , FSP, and the Closing Prayer led by Fr. Leopoldo Botavara, III, SSP.
