Seg., Jun.


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[sigplus] Erro crítico: A pasta da galeria de imagens joomgallery/originals/famiglia_paolina_133/2012_-_phlippines_centennial_celebration_202 deve ter um caminho relativo para a pasta base das imagens especificada na back-end.

The Pious Disciples of Divine Master (PDDM) whose charism highlights these aspects of the theme in their priestly apostolate was tasked to begin this Centennial series as they took charge in the registration, liturgy and preparation of the materials which should be shared (echoed to) with other PF members who could not make it to the gathering.

The series of monthly recollections is part of the implementation of the projects approved by the PF Provincial Governments in the country when they met last October 24, 2011 for the celebration of the Centenary of the Pauline Charism come 2014. Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP, one of the members of the PF Equipe for Pauline Spirituality explained that the recollections are a deepening of the “wealths of the Pauline Charism” bequeathed by the founder.   He stressed this also in his own talk last year when the PF commemorated the death anniversary of the Blessed Founder.

Fotos by Frs. Ruben Areño and Restie de la Pena
