Mon, Jun

From here he went for his missionary journeys.  In 45-48 he traveled to Ciprus and Asia Minor and in Antioch in Pisidia, Iconium, Listra, Derbe comunities were formed.  In 49 he participated in the Council of Jerusalem.  In 50-52 coming from Macedonia he founded the comunity of Philipi, Thessalonica, Berea and then, in Grece, the community of Corinth.

In 54-57 he founded to the community of Ephesus while maintaining contact with the other communities, through persons or through his letters.  In 58 he went to Jerusalem where he was arrested and then transfered to Cesarea.  Here he appealed to the imperial tribune, as a Roman citizen, and was sent to Rome in 61 where after two years he was placed under house arrest while waiting for trial.

He was probably acquited and thus returned to his communities.  Arrested once more, he was taken to Rome where her suffered martyrdom in 67.  It was during the persecution of Nero in the place known today as: Three Fountains, because according to tradition, his head once cut from the body bounced three times in the ground from which arouse three fountains of water.

Fr Antonio Girlanda, SSP