Sun, Jun


Denier of Dreams, a play on the occasion of the closing of the Pauline Year was staged in Pune (India) on 13th July 2009.   It narrated the story of the transformation of an atheistic free...

Nell’ambito della chiusura dell’Anno Paolino, la parrocchia della catedrale di Macao ha organizzato, il 27 Giugno 2009, un pellegrinaggio a diverse chiese della Diocesi, offrendo ai...

On 30 June 2009, the offices of St Pauls Publications in Sydney became one of the official conference venues where people could participate in an E-Conference on St. Paul organized by the Australian...

On 4 July 2009, the closing of the Pauline Year was celebrated in the Catheral of Osaka (Japan).  Paulines together with 25 priests and around 1000 lay persons participated in the eucharistic...

El día lunes 29 de junio de 2009, en la Iglesia San Pablo, de la Comunidad de las Hermanas Hijas de San Pablo (calle Nazca), se reunió la Familia Paulina y un grande número de...

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