Sun, Jun


L’articolo di padre Ferdinando Castelli, S.I., apparso su “La Civiltà Cattolica” è una carrellata, agile e sintetica, ma sintomatica, sulla letteratura moderna -...

The Jews in Paul’s time were mainly of two kinds: those living in Palestine and the Jews of the diaspora or dispersion. Paul himself was a diaspora Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia. Those living...

The Greeks and the Romans believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. They visited the temples and held festivals to honor the divinities of the Olympus and the local gods. They also had family or...

FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEYAFTER a year in Antioch, Paul's great mission time  came.  The comunity prayed for the missionaries Barnabas, Saul and the young Mark.  They  went...

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