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What do the letters tell us about Paul’s ability as a writer and about his education? Paul grew up as a Diaspora Jew in Tarsus in Cilicia. He spoke Aramaic at home and knew Hebrew, the sacred...

Paul’s letters were communal letters addressed to specific communities, to ekklesiai or house churches. Moreover, Paul wrote from within a community. He was surrounded by companions or helpers...

LE LETTERE DI PAOLO DELL’APOSTOLO Paolo ci sono giunte 13 lettere (la 14, agli Ebrei, non è sua). Costretto dalle circostanze, egli si vanta del suo lavoro apostolico, delle...

ITA - ESP - ENG - FRA - POR - TED Udienza Generale, Aula Paolo VI, 10 dicembre 2008Con Gesù, che viene da Dio, comincia una nuova storia formata dal suo sì al Padre, fondata...

Paul lived in a world of largely oral and aural culture. People communicated by word of mouth, not by writing. Only about two of every ten people could read. Letters, moreover, were aids, not...

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