Sun, Jun


LA SECONDA LETTERA AI CORINZIDOPO la prima lettera ai Corinzi si erano infiltrati nella comunità personaggi ostili a Paolo, che contestavano la sua autorità apostolica. Una breve...

In describing his missionary work Paul refers to generative and kinship metaphors. He “fathered” communities and individual persons by his preaching of the Gospel. He writes to Philemon:...

To describe his mission of preaching the Gospel and guiding the communities towards maturation in Christ, Paul uses a broad array of rich metaphors. Here are the most important of these:First, Paul...

Paul describes his and others’ work in mission in agricultural metaphors. In addressing the division among the Corinthian Christians over their allegiance to particular missionaries, Paul...

Paul’s letters were longer than most ancient letters; only Cicero’s long-winded letters could compare with Paul’s in length. Even Paul’s letter to Philemon, his shortest, was...

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