Dom, Jun


After conducting the affairs of the Chapter, the capitulars were encouraged to reflect upon the documents given by the General Government for possible motions that could be presented in the General Chapter. The purpose of the motions is threefold: 1) Allow the participants of the 9th General Chapter and the emerging General Government understand the peculiar situation of the Province in its present socio-cultural-religious scenario; 2) Underline the problems and challenges faced in reading and “interpreting the signs of the times” and in the process of “rekindling the Charism received in creative fidelity to the Founder”; and,  3)  find suitable solutions so that the Pauline mission becomes relevant and acceptable to the vast majority of people and challenging and fulfilling to members.

At the concluding Eucharist celebrated by Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior declared the 14th Provincial Chapter India-Nigeria closed.

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Agenda Paolina

16 Junio 2024

XI del Tempo Ordinario (verde)
Ez 17,22-24; Sal 91; 2Cor 5,6-10; Mc 4,26-34

16 Junio 2024

* SSP: 1955 inizio in Germania, Remscheid • FSP: 1967 a New Delhi (India) - 1969 a Mangalore (India).

16 Junio 2024SSP: D. Teófilo Pérez (2023) • FSP: Sr. Lina Zoppi (1985) - Sr. M. Olga Ambrosi (1997) - Sr. Beniamina Maria Miletta (2001) - Sr. M. Giuliana Dalese (2009) - Sr. Faustina Giaretta Parodi (2010) - Sr. M. Carmine Pellicano (2020) • PD: Sr. M. Immaculée Fournier (2022) • SJBP: Sr. Beatrice Censi (2007) • ISF: Teresa Ceppa (2006) - Giuseppina Ruoppolo Palumbo (2023).


16 Junio 2024

Certamente abbiam da fare le cose bene non per gli uomini, ma abbiam da farle bene perché Iddio vede. Gli uomini si ingannano, innumerevoli volte, ma Dio vede il cuore, Dio vede i pensieri. Il bene facciamolo sempre e non lasciamolo mai, facciamolo sempre in vista del premio che Dio darà (APD56, 367).

16 Junio 2024

Ciertamente tenemos que hacer bien las cosas, no para los hombres, sino que tenemos que hacerlas bien porque Dios ve. Los hombres se engañan a sí mismos, innumerables veces, pero Dios ve el corazón, Dios ve los pensamientos. Hagamos siempre el bien y nunca lo dejemos, hagámoslo siempre con vistas al premio que Dios dará (APD56, 367).

16 Junio 2024

Certainly we must do things well not for men, but we must do them well because God sees. Men deceive themselves, countless times, but God sees the heart, God sees the thoughts. Let us always do good and never let it go, let us always do it in view of the reward that God will give (APD56, 367).


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