Thu, Apr

He will become a saint or a brigand!

Maggiorino was very lucky. He had, for the first years of primary school, an excellentand competent teacher: Pierina Pusinieri. She was loved, esteemed and remembered with great affection by the people of Benevello. It was she who pronounced on her pupil the tremendous dilemma:«This child will give them great joys or greatsorrows, he will become an excellent success or agreat misfortune; he will become a saint or a brigand, according to the education he will have, according to the way or the path he will take». Maggiorino Vigolungo is the boy on whose future hung these sad and promising predictions at the same time: a brigand or a saint! With such words of the teacher there is little to be happy. The mother was sickly. The father was no better. The teacher was so convinced that she saw in Maggiorino particular gifts and inclinations. Therefore, there was no middle ground. A saint or a brigand. There is no space for mediocrity. On the altars or to perdition? No. Pusinieri did not say so; you fear so much for that vivacious pupil ready to joke and even more ready to defend his rights, but with an ingenious talent, able to understand even things that are difficult for his age, and that often made others wonder for his judgments; but always so good. The good teacher, acting as a whistle, could not formulate a better omen; and ... she guessed. We are all happy about it.


The International Secretariat of Formation (SIF) will present some articles on this site as preparation and celebration of the Centenary of the death of Maggiorino Vigolungo.


Triduo di preparazione: 1º giorno2º giorno3º giorno

Locandina: Celebrazione Eucaristica




Venerabile Maggiorino Vigolungo: Una proposta di santità per oggi


Essere come Maggiorino


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